Cyber-Security Vs. Cyber Resilience

Vinuri Piyathilake
2 min readApr 11, 2020


In today’s world, cyber-security isn’t enough, and that we need cyber resilience as well because hackers and cyber-criminals spend all of their time evolving their attack methodologies. Hence, we should improve the ways of countering them. ‘ Cyber-Security ‘ and ‘ Cyber Resilience ‘ are both forms of safety towards cyber threats however cyber resilience acknowledges that the first line of protection might not work and so enables the business enterprise to remain up and running if cyber-security measures fail.

So what’s ‘Cyber Security’ and ‘Cyber Resilience’?

In simple terms, ‘Security’ may be a term which focuses on preventing bad things from happening whereas resilient is about quickly getting back to “good” post-impact of an attack.

Cyber Security is defined as Technologies, processes and measures designed to shield systems, networks and data from cyber-crimes. It reduces the danger of a cyber-attack and strives to guard entities, organizations and individuals against the deliberate exploration of systems, networks and technologies. Cyber Security consists of

• Technologies

• Processors &

• Measures

that are designed to guard systems, network and data from cyber-crimes. Cyber Security is effective without compromising the usability of the systems and it includes a strong continuity business decide to resume operations if a cyber-attack is successful.

Cyber Resilience is an organization’s ability to continuously deliver intended services, operations and outcomes despite the occurrence of cyber events. These events may create an adverse impact on people, information, technologies, systems and facilities. Resilience is clear within the ability to revive and resume core operational and repair functions both during and after cyber events and therefore the capability to continuously change or modify necessary delivery mechanisms to regulate to new or potential risks. Cyber Resilience has three key areas, which are

• Information Security

• Operations Continuity &

• Organizational Strength.

Cyber Resilience encompasses a wider scope, comprising cyber-security and business resilience. Cyber Resilience requires a cultural shift because the firm adopts security best practices into daily operations and it requires an entity to become agile to handle the potential and real attack.

In conclusion, ‘Cyber Security’ and ‘Cyber Resilience’ should be recognized as two distinct but complementary disciplines. These disciplines become more crucial with the rapid evolution and increasing use of technologies nowadays.

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